for Full Scale Robots
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Noval Gear Reducation System.

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View more productsG1-Universal humanoid robot – Edu Standard Version
Unitree G1-Universal humanoid robot - Edu Standard Version
A premium designed, video-oriented, autonomous personal AI assistant robot. temi can recognise and follow when requested, save preset locations, and navigate flawlessly around your home and office while connecting you to your friends, family and favorite web services.
G1-Universal humanoid robot Basic Version
Unitree G1-Universal humanoid robot Basic Version
Robotis Engineer Kit2 require components form the Robotis Engineer Kit1 in order to assemble the example robots.
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View more productsAX-18A
[902-0005-001] AX-18A ** DESCRIPTION – Replace all or simply just the joints that require more torque. You will be surprised at the performance! – Applied a 4th metal gear to enhance endurance – Please maintain the highest limit temperature the same as the default setting value for safe usage ** INCLUDES Description...
MX-64 Gear/Bearing Set
MX-64 Gear/Bearing Set DESCRIPTION: – This gear set is for the Dynamixel MX-64. – Made with metal and specially coated to strengthen endurance and durability of abrasion. – A MX-64 exclusive magnet is attached to the wheel gear. – There are 2 wheel bearings included. – NOT compatible with the RX-64. INCLUDES: ...
[902-0061-000] MX-106T Caution: – MX-106T supports TTL communication. – Recommended voltage of MX-106 is different with that of former EX-106+. – Operating Voltage : 10~14.8V (Recommended Voltage: 12V) DESCRIPTION: DYNAMIXEL is a robot exclusive smart actuator with fully integrated DC Motor + Reduction Gearhead + Controller + Driver +...
Robotis Engineer Kit2 require components form the Robotis Engineer Kit1 in order to assemble the example robots.
Requires 4 weeks of lead time upon order. [902-0092-000] L42-10-S300-R Characteristics – DYNAMIXEL Pro is an integrated actuator composedof a gear reduction system, controller, driver, and network for constructingmodular robots. – A detachable cycloidal gear reduction box. – Position, speed, and current control using an algorithm. – Torque control...
R&D + EDUCATION AI : Artificial Intelligence HRI : Human Robot Interaction Walking Algorithm Programming Language Designing Mechanism CREATE NEW DESIGN Create new design with 3D printer based on open 3D sources(Step file) UXA-90 is a well-proportioned 1m tall humanoid shaped robot. It has been designed with a structure to...
XM540-W270-R The DYNAMIXEL X-Series is a new line-up of high performance networked actuators. For more detailed information, please visit the DYNAMIXEL X-Series Product Information page. ■ Basic Features Improved Torque, Compact Design •Enhanced Durability and Expandability • Hollow Back Case Minimizes Cable Stress (3-Way Wiring) • Frames Directly Screwed onto the Case (No Nuts Needed) • Improved Aluminum...
[902-0126-000] XH430-W350-T ■ Basic Features The DYNAMIXEL X-Series is a new line-up of high performance networked actuators. For more detailed information, please visit the DYNAMIXEL X-Series Product Information page. • Improved Torque, Compact Design • Enhanced Durability and Expandability • Hollow Back Case Minimizes Cable Stress (3-Way Wiring) • Frames Directly Screwed onto the Case (No...
[902-0003-001] AX-12A ** CAUTION Gear design was changed to improve durability. The AX-12A Gear Set (SKU No. 902-0087-001) will not be compatible with former AX-12+ Gear Set (SKU No. 903-0087-000). ** DESCRIPTION AX-12A is a new version of the AX-12+ with the same performance, but more advanced external...
TURTLEBOT 3 Burger + Waffle Pi
XM540-W150-R The DYNAMIXEL X-Series is a new line-up of high performance networked actuators. For more detailed information, please visit the DYNAMIXEL X-Series Product Information page. ■ Basic Features Improved Torque, Compact Design •Enhanced Durability and Expandability • Hollow Back Case Minimizes Cable Stress (3-Way Wiring) • Frames Directly Screwed onto the Case (No Nuts Needed) • Improved Aluminum...
[902-0067-000] MX-28T **Caution: – MX-28T supports TTL communication. (MX-28 has changed to MX-28T) – Recommended voltage of MX-28 is different with that of former RX-28. – Operating Voltage : 10~14.8V (Recommended Voltage 12V) DESCRIPTION: DYNAMIXEL is a robot exclusive smart actuator with fully integrated DC Motor + Reduction Gearhead...
[902-0064-000] MX-28R **Caution – MX-28R supports RS-485 communication. – Recommended voltage of MX-28 is different with that of former RX-28. – Operating Voltage : 10~14.8V (Recommended Voltage: 12V) DESCRIPTION: DYNAMIXEL is a robot exclusive smart actuator with fully integrated DC Motor + Reduction Gearhead + Controller + Driver + Network in one...
AX-18A 6pcs bulk
[902-0044-001] AX-18A 6pcs Bulk ** DESCRIPTION AX-18A is a newer version of the AX-18F with the same performance, but more advanced external design. It is 100% compatible with former AX-18F at 1:1 scale, with the same control method. ** CHARACTERISTICS – This is a bulk package product consited with 6 pcs of actuators only without accessories at cheaper...
Requires 4 weeks of lead time upon order. [902-0088-000] M54-60-S250-R Characteristics – DYNAMIXEL Pro is an integrated actuator composed of a gear reduction system, controller, driver, and network for constructing modular robots. – A detachable cycloidal gear reduction box. – Position, speed, and current control using an algorithm. – Torque control...