Create Account
Cyber Robotics shop member register
*Pease check the email after click the register button.
Information we collect
1) CYBER ROBOTICS will only collect the information you have provided to us, based on the information you have filled out on the sign up page.
ID, Password, Name, E-mail, Telephone, Cellphone, Address, etc.
2) We may also collect additional information that you have provided to us separately.
ex. temporary mailing address, shipping address, etc.
3) We will not keep records of any information that you have provided to us for temporary use,which you have requested us to delete immediately after using them.
ex. payment information (credit card #)
4) We will not collect any information of you provided by a third party, unless you have granted the third party to provide the information to CYBER ROBOTICS.
How we use your information
1) CYBER ROBOTICS will mainly use your information when processing your orders.
ex. shipping address, recipient’s name, phone number, etc.
2) We may use your e-mail address to send you newsletters or other important notices, provided that you have set your My Page settings to receive our mails.
* In case of important notices, we may send mails to you regardless of your settings.
3) We may use your information for statistical analysis, such as counting the number of customers we have in different regions.
* Analysis results will only be kept within CYBER ROBOTICS, and will not be shared with other parties.
To whom do we disclose your information?
1) CYBER ROBOTICS will only hold the information to ourselves, and will not disclose the information to any other parties without your consent.
2) Only the CYBER ROBOTICS Overseas Sales & Marketing team personnel have access to you information, so you can be assured that your information is kept secure.